Topic list Syllabus reference
1 Contract terms B2 (a)
2 Express terms and implied terms B2 (b)
3 Conditions and warranties B2 (b)
4 Exclusion clauses B2 (c)
5 The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 B2 (c)
6 The Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations
B2 (c)
Content of
This chapter analyses the contents of a contract, specifically the different types
of contract term.
You must be clear as to what express terms are and be able to distinguish
them from mere representations. It is also important that you understand how
terms can be implied into contracts and whether or not terms are conditions
or warranties.
Once you have grasped these subjects you will be able to determine whether or
not an organisation or individual has breached the terms of the contract and
determine their liability (if any).
We complete the chapter by looking at exclusion clauses. You must be familiar
with the legislation in this area, the effect of such clauses and how they are