config() method, 138–139
configuration options, 145–147
Contact Page, 137
eager vs. conservative routes, 145
HomePage, 136
HTML5 mode, 147
HTML files, 133
index.hmtl file, 133, 135
$location.path() method, 133
$location service, 137–138
navigation links, 137
otherwise() method, 139
parameters (see Route parameters)
routeNotFound.html, 137
$routeProvider.when() method, 133
$scope.message, 139–140
when() method, 139
P, Q
Primitive types
Boolean value, 8
number type, 10
strings, 9
undefined and null, 11
Promises API, 121
Route parameters
about.html file, 141–142, 144
configuration, 142–143
contactController code, 142
contact.html file, 141, 144
definitions, 140
revised contact view, 141
subject, 142
Server communication
$http service, 122
memberDataStoreService, 123
ngDisabled directive, 128
Register button, 128
register() function, 128
success and error messages, 127
Super-basic-plan, 71
Test-Driven Development (TDD), 52, 165
Two-way binding, 98
Unified Modeling Language (UML), 48
built-in form properties, 107
class management, 107
CSS code, 110
feedback, 108
novalidate attribute, 107
registration form
HTML code, 112
JavaScript code, 113
registration method, 108
visual real-time, 111
W, X, Y, Z
$window service, 116
Write-Behind Testing (WBT), 165
■ index
Organizing views (cont.)