Beginning AngularJS

(WallPaper) #1
Chapter 2 ■ the BasiCs of angularJs

  1. You want the 1.2.x-minified version, so make sure that you choose 1.2.x (legacy) for the
    branch option and Minified for the build option.

  2. Click the Download button to start the download process.

  3. Once the download has completed, move the downloaded file, angular.min.js, into the js
    folder that you created earlier (assuming you did not save it there directly).

  4. That’s it! You just downloaded and installed AngularJS.

Throughout this book, I will assume that you have followed the preceding steps when I refer to file system
locations and folder names. If you are comfortable with the Content Delivery Network (CDN), and prefer to use it, feel
free to do so. Likewise, if your preference is to use the non-minified version of the AngularJS library, go right ahead.
This won’t affect the output of any of the code listings (assuming that you have things set up correctly otherwise).

■ Note Content Delivery networks are a great place to host Javascript libraries, such as angularJs. they provide

speed and performance benefits, and they can be much more bandwidth-friendly. google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and other

large web organizations offer CDn services for free. You may have noticed that angularJs provides an option to use the

google CDn as an alternative to downloading the script and hosting it yourself (see the url in the field labeled CDn).

Browser Support

All modern web browsers support AngularJS. This list includes Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE9 and later versions,
and mobile browsers, including Android, Chrome Mobile, and iOS Safari. Generally speaking, browser support is not
an issue; AngularJS is very much here and now.

Figure 2-1. The AngularJS download options dialog

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