Microsoft Word - Environmental benefits of recycling 2010 update.doc

(Jeff_L) #1

4.1.3 Waste strategy.....................................................................................................

The ambitions of UK countries in terms of waste management are outlined in the respective national Waste
Strategy documents. The overall objective is to reduce the reliance on landfill. The focus is especially on
biodegradable waste which contributes to climate change via the methane emitted during degradation. The
targets for reducing biodegradable municipal waste have been set by the European Landfill Directive and will be
delivered through the Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme. These are as follows (DEFRA, 2007 (c)):

 2010 - reduce to 75% of 1995 level
 2013 – reduce to 50% of 1995 level
 2020 – reduce to 35% of 1995 level

In line with these ambitious targets, other objectives have been set to promote recycling and composting of
household waste as displayed in the Table 86.

Table 86 Targets for Recycling and Composting across the UK (Source: Department of the Environment, Northern Ireland, 2006)

Reaching these targets would also mean an increase in energy recovery to about 25% of municipal waste in 2020
compared to around 10% today (DEFRA, 2007 (b)). Energy recovery including incineration is indeed recognised
as a much better option than landfill for residual waste. For food waste, anaerobic digestion is encouraged while
for wood waste incineration is promoted.

Specific recycling targets have also been set up for packaging waste as required in the 1994 EC Directive on
Packaging and Packaging Waste revised in 2004. It required all Member States to ensure that a minimum of 60%
of all packaging waste was recovered (of which 55% must be recycled) by 31 December 2008. The UK has been
able to achieve this target as in 2008 61% of packaging waste was recycled. Significant progress has thus been
made, as in 1997 only 28% of packaging waste was recovered (DEFRA, 2009 (d)). However packaging waste is
predicted to continue to rise slightly so efforts need to be sustained. The UK ambition is to move further towards
the recycling rates of the best EU performers. The Packaging Regulations set annual business targets as
displayed in Table 87.

Table 87 UK business recycling targets up to 2010 (DEFRA, 2009 (d))^
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