Microsoft Word - Environmental benefits of recycling 2010 update.doc

(Jeff_L) #1

Paper & card ‐ n°2

Title Life cycle assessment of energy from solid waste

Year 2000
Author Finnvenden et al

Impact assessment

EDIP, USES‐LCA, Ecoindicator  99

Incineration Landfilling Recycling
Depletion of abiotic resources (MJ/ton) 478,28 ‐2809,89 1733,76
Climate change (kg CO2‐eq/ton) 18,10 1809,70 ‐135,73
Cumulative enerhy demand (MJ/ton) ‐15484,28 ‐234,36 ‐16739,76
Water consumption (m^3 )
Eutrophication (kg PO4 eq)* ‐0,14 2,79 ‐8,37
Acidification (kg SO2 eq)** ‐0,07 ‐0,03 ‐0,22
Photochemical oxydation (kg ethylene eq) ‐0,30 1,28 0,35
Ozone depletion (kg CFC‐ 11  eq)
Toxicity (kg  1 ‐ 4 ‐dichlorobenzene)
Ecotoxicity (SEK/ton) EDIP ‐17,58 ‐0,33 2,39
Human Toxicity (SEK/ton) EDIP ‐205,06 ‐50,22 ‐17,16
* without effect from Nox
** without effect from Sox and Nox
Indicator not included


disposal stage only


Treatment of the amount of the included waste fractions
collected in Sweden during one year
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