Plastics‐ n°1
Title Bilan^ environnemental^ de^ filières^ de^ traitement^ de^
plastiques de différentes origines
Year 2006
Author Bio Intelligence Service
Impact assessment
Incineration with energy
recovery Landfill Recycling
Depletion of abiotic resources (kg Sb eq) ‐6,83 3,94E‐ 02 ‐19,87
Climate change (kg CO 2 eq) 1942 6,44 ‐920,84
Cumulative energy demand (MJ)* ‐ 20646 106 ‐ 47981
Water consumption (m^3 )
Eutrophication (kg PO4 eq) 1,1 0,0126 ‐0,181
Acidification (kg SO2 eq) ‐1,43 0,0433 ‐3,5
Photochemical oxidation (kg ethylene eq) 7,21 0,06 ‐1,61
Ozone depletion (kg CFC‐ 11 eq)
Human toxicity (kg 1,4‐DB eq) ‐35,8 0,51 ‐358,2
Ecotoxicity in water (kg 1,4‐DB eq) ‐23,22 0,0902 ‐2,91
Exoctoxicity in sediments (kg 1,4‐DB eq) ‐52,98 0,201 ‐6,83
Ecotoxicity in soil (kg 1,4‐DB eq) 25,9 0,00391 ‐10,3
- the energy demand in this study corresponds to the consumption of non‐renewable resources
Indicator not included
Functional unit 1000 kg of material
Methodology CML 2002
Included stages disposal stage only