Microsoft Word - Environmental benefits of recycling 2010 update.doc

(Jeff_L) #1

Plastics‐ n°2
Title LCAplastics^ of^ management^ options^ for^ mixed^ waste^
Year 2008
Author Shonfield

Material composition
Sub‐scenario Landfill Incinerationrecovery^ with^ energy^ recyclingPyrolysis for^ of PPPET^ and and^ PE PVC)^ (+^ Pyrolysisrecycling^ of for^ PP, PET^ PE and^ and PVC)^ PS^ (+^
Virgin material
Material marginal: which? / / No inf. No inf.
Electricity marginal: which? / / average UK electricity mix average UK electricity mix
Steam marginal: which? / / No inf. No inf.
Co‐products dealt with? / / No inf. No inf.
Recovered material
Material marginal: which? / / No inf. No inf.
Electricity marginal: which? / / average UK electricity mix average UK electricity mix
Steam marginal: which? / / No inf. No inf.
Co‐products dealt with? / / No inf. No inf.
Material recovery included? / / Yes Yes
Type of recycling / / Mechanical^ recycling,loop^ closed^ Mechanical^ recycling,loop^ closed^
In which ratio does recycled material substitute
virgin material? //11
Technology collection,landfill^ gas leachate^ and^ leachate treatment^ 23% efficiency

Near‐infrared sorting, BP
polymer cracking process
suitable for polyolefins

Near‐infrared sorting, Ozmotech
Infrastructures taken into account? No No No No
Transport included? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Energy production No Yes Yes Yes
Produced energy substitutes electricity? / gas‐fired power plant gasincineration‐fired^ power of^ plant residues^ for^ the^ gasincineration‐fired^ power of^ plant residues^ for^ the^
Produced energy substitutes steam? / NoNoNo
Avoided processes ‐ credits / /

naphta, paraffin, refinery gas
production for pyrolysis; virgin
plastic production for recycling

diesel oil production for
pyrolysis; virgin plastic
production for recycling
Material substitutes / / / /
Carbon sequestration issue taken into account? No sequestration///
Waste characteristics

Heating value /

PE: 42,47 MJ/kg
PP: 30,78 MJ/kg
PET: 22,95 MJ/kg
PS: 38,67 MJ/kg
PVC:  21 ,5 1  MJ/kg


Degradation rate (over  100  years) No inf. / / /
Alternative use of incineration capacity included? / No inf. / /
Compost spreading for composting taken into
account? ////
Compost leaching after spreading taken into
account? ////
Reference to EN 13432:2000 (Requirements for
Packaging Recoverable Through Composting and

Methane emissions included? Yes / / /

2  [MIX]
plastics mix (40% PP, 17% PET, 15% PE, 11% PVC, 6% PS, others)



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