Plastics‐ n°2
Title LCAplastics^ of^ management^ options^ for^ mixed^ waste^
Year 2008
Author Shonfield
Impact assessment
Recycling of PE, PP, PET, PVC
(residue: 84% to landfill, 16% to
Recycling of PE, PP, PET, PVC
(residue: 84% to landfill, 16% to
Recycling of PE, PP, PET, PVC
(residue: 84% to landfill, 16% to
Recycling of PE, PP, PET, PVC
(residue: 84% to landfill, 16% to
Depletion of abiotic resources (kg Sb eq) ‐14,667 ‐13,698 ‐12,41 ‐13,01
Climate change (kg CO 2 eq) ‐ 620 ‐ 556 ‐ 458 ‐ 492
Cumulative energy demand (MJ) ‐ 12897 ‐ 12441 ‐ 11403 ‐ 11472
Water consumption (m^3 )
Eutrophication (kg PO4 eq) ‐0,281 ‐0,221 ‐0,111 ‐0,142
Acidification (kg SO2 eq) ‐7,875 ‐7,243 ‐6,499 ‐6,914
Photochemical oxidation (kg ethylene eq) ‐0,855 ‐0,784 ‐0,712 ‐0,751
Ozone depletion (kg CFC‐ 11 eq) ‐1,00E‐ 05 ‐1,20E‐ 05 ‐1,10E‐ 05 ‐1,00E‐ 05
Human toxicity (kg 1,4‐DB eq) 608,17 685,12 777,13 725,51
Indicator not included
Methodology CML 2001
Included stages disposal stage only
2 [MIX]
Functional unit 1000 kg of mixed plastic wastes arising from a
materials recycling facility