Microsoft Word - Environmental benefits of recycling 2010 update.doc

(Jeff_L) #1

Plastics‐ n°2
Title LCAplastics^ of^ management^ options^ for^ mixed^ waste^
Year 2008
Author Shonfield

Material composition

Recycling of PE and PP(residue:
84% to landfill, 16% to

Recycling of PE and PP(residue:
84% to landfill, 16% to

Recycling of PE and PP(residue:
84% to landfill, 16% to

Recycling of PE and PP(residue:
84% to landfill, 16% to
Virgin material
Material marginal: which? No inf. No inf. No inf. No inf.
Electricity marginal: which? average UK electricity mix average UK electricity mix average UK electricity mix average UK electricity mix
Steam marginal: which? No inf. No inf. No inf. No inf.
Co‐products dealt with? No inf. No inf. No inf. No inf.
Recovered material
Material marginal: which? No inf. No inf. No inf. No inf.
Electricity marginal: which? average UK electricity mix average UK electricity mix average UK electricity mix average UK electricity mix
Steam marginal: which? No inf. No inf. No inf. No inf.
Co‐products dealt with? No inf. No inf. No inf. No inf.
Material recovery included? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Type of recycling Mechanical^ loorecycling,p^ closed^ Mechanical^ loorecycling,p^ closed^ Mechanical^ recycling,loop^ closed^ Mechanical^ recycling,loop^ closed^
In which ratio does recycled material substitute
virgin material?^1111
Technology Densitycleaning^ separation, and extruding^ shredding,^ Pre‐treatment,extruding^ cleaning,^ Pre‐treatment,extruding^ cleaning,^ Densitycleaning^ separation, and extruding^ shredding,^
Infrastructures taken into account? No No No No
Transport included? Yes Yes Yes Yes
Energy production Yes Yes Yes Yes
Produced energy substitutes electricity? gasincineration‐fired^ power of^ plant residues^ for^ the^ gasincineration‐fired^ power of^ plant residues^ for^ the^ gasincineration‐fired^ power of^ plant residues^ for^ the^ gasincineration‐fired^ power of^ plant residues^ for^ the^
Produced energy substitutes steam? No No No No
Avoided processes ‐ credits virgin plastic production virgin plastic production virgin plastic production virgin plastic production
Material substitutes / / / /
Carbon sequestration issue taken into account? / / / /
Waste characteristics
Heating value / / / /
Degradation rate (over  100  years) ////
Alternative use of incineration capacity included? / / / /
Compost spreading for composting taken into
account? ////
Compost leaching after spreading taken into
account? ////
Reference to EN 13432:2000 (Requirements for
Packaging Recoverable Through Composting and

Methane emissions included? ////

2  [MIX]
plastics mix (40% PP, 17% PET, 15% PE, 11% PVC, 6% PS, others)



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