Microsoft Word - Environmental benefits of recycling 2010 update.doc

(Jeff_L) #1
Plastics‐ n°3

Title Life Cycle Assessment of energy from solid waste
Year 2000
Author Finnveden
Impact assessment

recycling incineration landfill
Depletion of abiotic resources (MJ) ‐4,5E+04 ‐4,1E+02 ‐1,5E+02
Climate change (kg CO 2 eq) 2,7E+02 3,0E+03 3,2E+03
Cumulative energy demand (MJ) ‐5,5E+04 ‐4,0E+04 ‐1,5E+04
Water consumption (m^3 )
Eutrophication (kg O2 eq)* 5,2E+01 2,5E+01 5,1E‐ 01
Acidification (kg SO2 eq)** ‐4,7E‐ 03 ‐1,8E‐ 01 ‐4,2E‐ 03
Photochemical oxidation (kg ethylene eq) ‐5,5E+00 ‐8,5E‐ 01 2,0E‐ 01
Ozone depletion (kg CFC‐ 11  eq)
Human toxicity (SEK/year) ‐3,0E+03 ‐5,9E+02 8,7E+01
Ecotoxicity (SEK/year) ‐5,1E+01 ‐3,6E+01 9,1E+00

  • Aquatic eutrophcation excl Nox
    ** Acidification (excl Sox and Nox)
    Indicator not included

Functional unit  1  ton of waste


Methodology EDIP

Included stages disposal stage only
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