Microsoft Word - Environmental benefits of recycling 2010 update.doc

(Jeff_L) #1

Food & garden ‐ n°1


Using LCA to evaluate impacts and resources conservation
potential of composting: A case study of the Asti District in
Year 2008
Author Blengini et al

Impact assessment

Composting Landfill
Depletion of abiotic resources
Climate change (kg CO2‐eq/ton) 130,00 951,00
Cumulative enerhy demand (MJ/ton) 959,00 800,00
Water consumption (m^3 )
Eutrophication (kg O2 eq/ton) 3,64 21,40
Acidification (mol H+/ton) 18,00 23,00
Photochemical oxydation (kg ethylene eq/ton) 0,000578 0,184788
Ozone depletion (kg CFC‐ 11  eq) 0,000027 0,000021
Toxicity (kg  1 ‐ 4 ‐dichlorobenzene)

Indicator not included

disposal stage only
1  kg of input bio‐waste, thought as a mix of household organic waste and
green/wooden waste.


Methodology Ecoindicator  99

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