Microsoft Word - Environmental benefits of recycling 2010 update.doc

(Jeff_L) #1

Water consumption

Only studies no 4 and 7 include the indicator water consumption and study no 7 only compares recycling and
landfill. The general conclusion from study no 4 is that recycling is preferable by far to incineration, landfill and
pyrolysis. The results from study no 7 differ depending on the material. Recycling appears better for PVC but not
for PET and PE. For PET and PE recycling, water use, due to washing of the collected plastics, is higher than
water use in avoided virgin plastic production. This is not the case for PVC, which requires more water to be

The comparison of landfill and pyrolysis versus incineration is conducted only in study no 4. It points out that
recycling and pyrolysis consume less water than incineration while the water consumed for landfill and
incineration is similar.

Table 33 Relative difference between the impacts from the different end-of-life options vs. recycling for water consumption for plastics. A positive
value means that recycling is preferable to the other end-of-life option. A negative value means that recycling causes more environmental impact
than the other end-of-life option

N° case 4[MIX] 7[PET] 7[PE] 7[PVC]
Incineration with energy recovery 1220%
Landfill 1250% ‐100% ‐100% 100%
Pyrolysis 300%
Only studies n°4 and  7  include a comparison with recycling for this indicator

Recycling versus other alternatives

Table 34 Relative difference between the impacts from the different end-of-life options vs. incineration with energy recovery for water
consumption for plastics. A positive value means that incineration is preferable to the other end-of-life option. A negative value means that
incineration causes more environmental impact than the other end-of-life option.

N° case
Only study n°4 includes a comparison with incineration with energy
recovery for this indicator

Incineration versus other
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