Microsoft Word - Environmental benefits of recycling 2010 update.doc

(Jeff_L) #1

In addition, it would be necessary to have more insight regarding the key assumptions and parameters that can
influence the outcome of the comparison between the different alternatives. For instance, one of the issues
affecting the assessment of the benefits brought by wood recycling is for instance the allocation of forestry
processes which determines the environmental impacts that are offset thanks to the saved wood resources.
Another critical point is how forest carbon sequestration is included. In the case of recycling, some studies
consider that the trees that would otherwise be harvested are left standing, and thus carbon is still being
sequestered. However, in the case of sustainable forests, harvested trees are assumed to be replaced and young
trees growing rapidly sequestrate more carbon. The issues relating the sustainability of forests are thus of major
importance and enter the balance when carrying out the environmental assessment of wood waste management
alternatives. In addition, forest sustainability also raises the debate around land use change. Currently only 30%
of forests are considered sustainable.

Other end-of-life options could also be investigated. Any type of clean wood waste is for example suitable for
composting. There is also increasing interest in bioenergy and bioenergy from wood residues is currently on trial
at the pilot scale (Daian & Ozarska, 2009).

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