The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor (W W Norton & Company; 1998)

(Nora) #1

  • Part of the explanation lies in the assignment of such tasks in Asia to women and
    children, that is, to people who could not say no. One finds similar patterns else­
    where, for example, in Southeast Asia, where women harvested rice with a finger-
    knife, one stalk at a time, rather than with a sickle. This was said to honor the rice spirit;
    but then, it is not uncommon to sanctify women's toil with pious myths. Had men
    done the cutting, the rice spirit would have been honored by a quick sickle and a sym­
    bolic handful of the harvest. On finger-knife harvesting, see Reid, Southeast Asia, I, 5.

employment, especially to women and children.^38 All the same,
European workers, very different, would have been happy to gain
higher pay through greater productivity; to say nothing of easier
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