The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor (W W Norton & Company; 1998)

(Nora) #1

(^640) INDEX
Columbus, Bartholomew, 72 «
Columbus, Christopher, 60-63, 70, 72»,
74-75, 88, 89, 94, 99, 101,114,417
Communism, 466, 467-68, 495-99
comparative advantage, 125, 135, 172, 219-20,
232-33, 290, 295, 308, 314, 325, 378,
405,452,474, 507, 521, 522
economic decline and, 442-43, 445, 448,
454, 455-56
fragmentation of authority and, 36, 37-38
market, 42-44
restriction of, 242—4:3
Confucianism, 51, 95, 97, 335, 343-14, 351,
353,357,362, 366-67
conquistadors, 61, 77-78, 101-12, 312
Conrad, Joseph, 439»
Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers, 283
consumption, 221-23, 306-7, 474-75
continuity vs. revolution, 194, 197
contracts, 37, 218
convergence, 518-20
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 183, 341
copper, 93, 295, 314
corruption, 161-63, 246, 309, 316, 406, 495,
503, 506, 508, 520
Cort, Henry, 190
Cortés, Hernando, 102, 105, 106, 107, 122
cotton, 55, 115, 120, 121, 163, 191, 192, 193,
195, 207, 225-29, 267, 295, 299, 300,
315, 364, 369, 378, 379,388,389,390,
402-5,437, 497, 503-t
Counter-Reformation, 179-84, 250, 312, 317
craftsmen, 43, 222, 229, 277, 280-81, 298-99,
306, 321,360, 401
Crawshay, George, 271
credit, 157, 171, 256, 260, 261-62, 368
credit mobilier, 262-64
Crimean War, 254-55, 269
Crompton, Samuel, 192
Crusades, 64-65, 68, 99
Crystal Palace, 449
curiosity (European), 164
customs barriers, 245^7
Daewoo Electronics, 476
daimyd, 353, 357, 361, 362, 363, 365, 369, 374
Darby, Abraham, 189
Davidson, Basil, 500, 504
D-Banken, 264
Defoe, Daniel, 215, 221, 233
de Gaulle, Charles, 440
Deming, W. Edwards, 472
De nova Stella (Brahe), 210
Dependency and Development in Latin America
(Cardoso), 510
dependency theory, 327-28, 430-31, 493, 510,
Descartes, René, 183-84, 204
development gradient, 237, 252-53, 264
Diamond, Jared, 108
Dias, Bartolomeu, 86, 87, 88
Dickens, Charles, 301
Diemen, Antonio van, 144
disease, xvii-xix, 7-13, 17, 23, 40, 62-63, 71,
106-7, 109, 117,169-70,293
dividends, 146, 148
Domesday census (1086), 45
Dreadnought, 198-99
Duer, William, 319
Dufaud, Georges, 271-72
dyes, 284, 288-91
East India Company (British), 145, 153-54,
158-63, 164, 178,227-28
East India Company (Dutch), 141-£9, 152,
154,162, 168
Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, 282
Ecole Polytechnique, 271, 282, 283
écoles d'arts et métiers, 282
"Economie Backwardness in Historical
Perspective" (Gerschenkron), 273-75
adjustment in, 492, 506
barter, 111
command, 146, 495-96, 498
culture and, 516-18
decline of, 442-64, 492
frontier, 292-95, 297
plantation, 68-70, 114, 115, 116-17,
119-24, 146, 148, 294,345,479
rational, 315
Edict of Toleration (1685), 223
Edison, Thomas, 284
education, 134, 180-81, 217, 282-83, 331,
376, 383, 388, 403, 404, 409, 410, 419,
420, 432,434, 458,491, 508
agriculture in, 403
industrialization of, 14, 331, 402, 491-92
Muslim rule of, 400, 402-3
poverty in, 410
textile industry of, 403-8, 491-92
Western influence in, 403-4, 405, 430
electricity, 284, 285, 380-81, 456, 468, 496
Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 151
enclosure, 214
Engerman, Stanley, 121
entrepreneurship, 217, 219, 241, 249, 260-61,
279-80, 405, 446-47, 454-57,464,
477, 479, 483,517, 523-24
deterioration of, xx, 5, 284, 479-80, 497-98,
improvement of, 10-11
inequalities of, 3-16
subordination of, 58-59
see also climate

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