The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor (W W Norton & Company; 1998)

(Nora) #1

(^642) INDEX
Germany (continued)
guilds in, 243, 244-45
industrialization of, 315, 450, 521
Japan compared with, 375-76
as naval power, 450
postwar recovery of, 466-68, 470-71, 517
serfdom in, 238-40
technical knowledge in, 283, 288, 289,
trade of, 246-47
Gerschenkron, Alexander, 273-75
Get Lost (Again), Columbus (Wolfhawk), 61
Gibbon, Edward, 20»
globalism, 514, 519-20, 522
Glorious Revolution, 443
Goa, 127-30, 152, 170, 202, 425
Golconda, 150»
gold, 70-75, 87, 101-2, 106-9, 114, 131, 171,
310, 311, 314, 350, 364», 393, 429, 494
Gordon, Adam, 296
Gorham, Nathaniel, 319
Governance of England, The (Fortescue), 220
bureaucracy of, 376, 399, 402, 406-7,
426-27, 432, 500, 504, 506
centralized, 18, 22», 27-28, 31-32, 34,
35-36, 37, 50, 51, 56-57, 64, 97,
110-11, 141,246, 372, 375
communal, 36-37, 240-41
democratic, 27, 31, 57-58, 149, 218, 296,
297, 374, 467, 504
despotic, 27-28, 31-32, 56-57, 111, 157,
160,394,398-99, 410, 505
financial investment by, 260, 264-69, 275,
religious vs. secular, 38, 54
stability of, 218
grain storage, 23, 24, 46, 113
Granada, 64, 65
Great Britain, 186-99, 213-25, 448-64
agriculture in, 213-14, 383
automobile industry of, 461-64
class barriers in, 240»
decline of, 448-64, 518, 520
economy of, 176, 196, 284
empire of, 127, 150-67, 426-29, 431, 437,
exports of, 294, 453
finance in, 256-57, 264-66, 448
hegemony of, 448^9, 450, 458
historical analysis of, 450-61
Holland and, 442-44
industrialization of, 119-22, 168, 186-99,
200,213-25,231-37, 256-57, 375,
literacy in, 250
as naval power, 150-52, 159-60, 198-99,
political power of, 231-35
population of, 196
poverty in, 220
productivity in, 213, 300, 455, 462-63
protectionism of, 265-66, 276, 280, 281,
religious freedom in, 223»
slavery and, 119-22
social conditions in, 215-23, 424, 458
technical knowledge in, 276-82, 283, 286,
textile industry of, 43-14, 45, 186, 190-93,
206-10, 213, 227, 267, 453, 454, 457
trade of, 131-32, 141, 150-63, 233-34, 246,
265-66, 276, 280, 281, 375, 396, 426,
446,456, 520
transport in, 214-15, 224
Great Depression, 328, 432, 468
Great Exhibition (1851), 96
Greece, 31-32, 39-40
gross domestic product (GPD), 292, 293, 325,
432, 499
gross national product (GNP), 232, 248, 419
Guarani Indians, 330-31
Guevara, Che, 111
guilds, 42, 174, 223, 239, 242-15, 364,
Gulf War, 63», 394, 409
gunpowder, 52-53, 93, 98, 155»
gunsmiths, 298, 302, 304
Gutenberg, Johann, 52
Haiti, 116, 168
Hamilton, Alexander, 308, 314
hara-kiri, 353», 354-55, 357»
Hargreaves, James, 192
Harris, Townsend, 373
Harrison, John, 277
Harvey, William, 181
Hastings, Warren, 162
Heart of Darkness (Conrad), 439»
Henry V, King of England, 155»
Henry the Navigator, Prince of Portugal, 79,
86-87, 89
heresy, 179-84, 201, 311, 401
Hicks, John, 192»
Hideyoshi, see Toyotomi Hideyoshi
Hinduism, 92», 156, 157, 166, 395, 396
Hisamitsu, Shimazu, 378»
Hispaniola, 72», 116
economic, 193, 194, 196, 197, 231-33, 447,
evidence in, 163-64, 193-98, 199
materialist, 176, 274», 382
regional, 3-4
Hoechst, 290-91
Hoffmann, Walther, 195»
Hofmann, August Wilhelm, 288-89, 290
Holker, John, 279

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