The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor (W W Norton & Company; 1998)

(Nora) #1

(^650) INDEX
True History and Description of the Land of the
Savage (Staden), 76
Turkey, 396
unemployment, 491, 509, 521-23
United Africa Company, 501
United Nations, 431, 506
United States:
agriculture in, 296, 297, 304-5, 318, 319
automobile industry of, 463, 480-90
capitalism in, 300-301
colonial period of, 296-309, 312-13, 444
democracy in, 296, 297
economy of, 294-95, 296, 297, 307, 445,
exports of, 294, 296
finance in, 265
foreign policy of, 430-31
frontier of, 304, 305-6, 319-20, 321, 428
geography of, 295-96, 304
gross domestic product (GDP) of, 292
immigration to, 298-99, 318-23, 445
Indian population of, 305, 318
industrialization of, 297-307, 449
labor supply in, 296-97, 300, 308, 319»
natural resources of, 295-96, 299
productivity of, 298, 299-300, 304, 305,
306-7, 459-61
protectionism of, 266
settlement of, 305, 318-20
slavery in, 299, 317, 318
social conditions in, 296-97, 319, 323
Southern states of, 298, 299, 318
as superpower, 235, 451
technical knowledge in, 278-79, 291,
299-300, 301, 319», 459
textile industry of, 297, 299-300, 303, 304
trade of, 172, 294, 296, 307-9
wages in, 296, 298-99, 444
"untouchables," 158, 226, 360, 390
Usher, A. P., 194
Venice, 130, 137, 251, 280, 303, 445^6
"vent for surplus" argument, 294
Vereenigde Oost-indische Compagnie (VOC),
141^9, 152, 154, 162, 168
Vernier, Pierre, 204
Vikings, 29-30, 67, 248
Virginia, 299, 313»
Voltaire, 234
wages, 280, 296, 297, 382, 389, 390, 407, 444,
462-63, 522
Walker, Elizabeth, 175
Wang Zhi, 97
war, 171, 245, 257, 332, 340, 369, 376, 432,
Washington, George, 430»
waste products, 284, 301
water clocks, 48, 50-51, 211
waterpower, 45^6, 188, 189, 190, 192», 200,
206, 236, 295, 378-79, 380
Watt, James, 188, 206, 277, 281, 301
Watts, Philip, 198
accumulation of, 442, 515
climate and, 5-6
distribution of, 171, 179, 266, 296, 311,
empire and, 168-81, 434
enterprise and, 172, 178-79
gap in, xx, 518-24
growth vs., 444
historical approach to, xx-xxi, 515
moral values and, 175-79
power and, 161, 162, 519
productivity and, 50
relative, 451
unearned, 171-73, 175-76, 408-9, 523
Wealth of Nations (Smith), 7», 33»
weaving, 193, 207-10, 223, 225-29, 300, 364,
365,380,384-88, 492
Weber, Max, 174-79, 383, 516
Wendel, Ignace-François de, 272, 277», 278
West-Rest dichotomy, xx, xxi
wheat, 25, 26, 320
Wilkinson, John, 188»
Williams, Eric, 119-20
William III, King of England, 443, 448
windmills, 42, 200
Wittfogel, Karl, 27, 28
Wolfhawk, White Cloud, 61
African, 501
Islam and, 411-15
Japanese, 418-21
labor of, 43, 56, 111, 210, 226, 230, 300,
316-17, 324, 345, 382-89, 406,412
political exclusion of, 31, 411, 419-20
slave, 126
subordination of, 31, 411-15, 418-21
wool, 46,121,138,154,192, 207, 299, 315, 323
Woolf, Arthur, 188
work ethic, 174-79, 363, 374, 383, 391, 437,
477, 516
World Bank, 14, 408, 475», 492, 494, 505, 506
World War I, xix, 269, 278-79, 465-66, 467,
World War II, 439, 466-68, 470, 471
Woronoff, Denis, 287-88
Wyatt, John, 207»
Yangtze River, 21», 95
Yodoya Tatsugoro, 362
Young, Arthur, 215, 277
Zacut, Abraham, 86,134
Zaire, 504-5
Zurich Polytechnic, 290-91

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