play station official magazine

(maximka346) #1

The graphics look
basic compared to
some other battle
royale games. B

attlefield V’s multiplayer got
off to a slow start, but DICE’s
war on the lesser-known
fronts of World War 2 is finally
hotting up. The game launched with
a fair selection of modes, though
the new additions don’t significantly
enhance the game, and none of the
starting selection of maps stand
out as Battlefield’s best. However,
now Tides Of War is active things
are changing. Fresh maps and rule
variants are being added every
few weeks, and there’s a livelier
feel to multiplayer games. You have
more rewards to earn, and more
ways to grab XP – which is mainly
attained through playing Battlefield
as it’s designed to be played. While
this isn’t the finished article yet
(and DICE will tweak, constantly),
the multiplayer is already a lot
better than it was at launch.

The online game is already better
than it was at launch, and you get
the feeling Battlefield V is only
just getting started. It’s a good
time to jump in. Andy Hartup



REVIEW#157, 8/10


ow that the dust has settled
from the explosion of a
controversial release, what
do we have? Well, it seems those
who do like the game really like
it, with the result that high-level
players are now commonplace.
The servers are just as busy as
before, too. That’s bittersweet
news though, because they always
tended to run below capacity; and
more people are going it alone,
uninterested in other players.
The latest patch applied at
time of writing tinkers in various
places, the most important change
arguably being the stash box
capacity increasing to 600 (with
a further increase promised for
the future). Sadly, nothing has
been done to increase server
populations or to encourage a
more social experience.

A gloomy appeal remains
for those willing to give it a
chance, but all hopes of a post-
apocalyptic social adventure have
been nuked. Luke Kemp



REVIEW#157, 7/10

War, very much
in its infancy

Have players started to
Fallout of love here?

Battlefield V

Fallout 76

Before you splash out money
on cosmetics, bear in mind that
you want to be difficult to see.
Is that gold tracksuit worth
making yourself easier to hit?
Well, actually, now you ask...

Good enough to keep you coming back
again and again, but with graphics and
controls less smooth than other battle
royale games, not quite worthy of that
chicken dinner. Luke Kemp


people have found themselves addicted.
There’s no denying that, due to the
random placement of items, success or
failure in the first few minutes can rely
on luck more than you’d like. Once you
have some half-decent gear, though, it
becomes a tense game of cat-and-
mouse with dozens of other players.
Cowering in one building at a time,
moving only when the play area shrinks,
is a valid tactic. So too is constantly
moving toward the centre of the map,
gambling that you can move from cover
to cover effectively enough to avoid
being sniped. Or perhaps you prefer to
identify prime loot drops, then lie in wait
for your next unsuspecting victim to try
and nab them. It’s up to you.
The formula’s as compelling as ever,
and the execution is (mostly) brilliant.
The bottom line though, is that this is
2019, and PUBG is rapidly falling behind
the competition it spawned.
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