play station official magazine

(maximka346) #1

The Big 10


things and shooting them. You can
use a Tactical Time Dilation power-up
both to slow down time and to
increase damage, which decreases
faster when taking action, allowing
for some thought.
Stats and numbers are, of course,
present, and factor into the
numerous and branching dialogue
trees we’ve seen so far. Your crew
members will even affect some of
your stats and buffs, meaning you
should be able to fall back on your
pals’ skills if you suck in a particular
area. These companions have their
own missions and stories.
If you’ve got an itch to play a fun
and colourful sci-fi RPG, a new take
on the likes of Fallout and Mass
Effect, then Obsidian is gearing up to
give it a good scratch.

Stay tuned for more, and take a look at
the reveal yourself here:

We suspect you have many, manyquestions

BioWare raises

The Dread Wolf

If you’ve only played the
main game in Dragon Age:
Inquisition, you’ve missed out
on huge story beats. Final DLC
The Trespasser had a massive
reveal for this sequel.

Not just a pretty
picture, this mural
reveals a few clues
about the new game.


Nobody expects the
inquisition, but
Dragon Age fans
were wondering if
they should expect
a followup to
Dragon Age: Inquisition at all given
BioWare’s silence about the series
since 2014. It still hasn’t explicitly
announced a game by that title, but
we have received
a mysterious
tease of a Dragon
Age project,
accompanied by
the text “The
Dread Wolf Rises”.
“We have been
working on a new
Dragon Age game
for quite a while now,” shares the
game’s executive producer, Mike
Darrah, in a BioWare blog post about
the teaser. “We have been building a
new team around a core of Dragon
Age veterans [...] While I have been
focused on Anthem, the rest of the
team has been hard at work
exploring ways to push BioWare’s
storytelling to the next level.” You can
expect then, that this new project

will be a fully featured instalment in
the Dragon Age story, and where
Anthem melds BioWare narrative
with Destiny-like shooting and
mission structure, this Dragon Age
is going to be a new chapter for
BioWare’s renowned storytelling.
All we have so far is a mural, the
knowledge that the Dread Wolf is
rising, and a piece of spoken
dialogue: “So,
you’ve found me
at last. I suspect
you have
questions.” That
line is straight
from Inquisition’s
final piece of DLC,
where a massive
twist revealed
that a character who’d been around
the whole time was tied into a key
piece of Dragon Age mythology
about... you guessed it, the Dread
Wolf. It’s unclear how this could
progress in Dragon Age 4, but it’s
going to be a big culmination – a
fiery payoff for fans of the mythos.


BioWare discusses the teaser and the
project on its blog at
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