play station official magazine

(maximka346) #1


Left Brush up your Cyrillic
reading skills – knowing that
sign means ‘petrol’ could
prove handy.

Right We head for the radio
tower. Listening in on the
bandits’ conversation, we
realise conflict is inevitable.


Ain’t no winter like a Russian
winter. Crunchy snow lines the
map and obscures sight lines,
making stealth in the open field
much more complicated.


In summer Anna coughs and
complains, while a number of
your fellow rangers get heat
stroke. That’s to say nothing of the
sneaky, sleeping Humanimals...


In spring, winter’s chill is far
from forgotten. Stealth may
be easier but the waterlogged,
muddy environment means you’ll
have to clean your guns more often.


We covered the Pioneers and
Pirates back in issue 153.
Their base in an abandoned
summer camp and is hardly the
venue for a nice autumn getaway.

A man for all seasons
Metro tracks a year in the life of Artyom and Anna

Don’t be fooled by the
corpses you see around
the sands – not all of them
are completely deceased.
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