play station official magazine

(maximka346) #1


he Division 2’s new Conflict
mode – a PvP set across three
custom maps and including
Skirmish, Team Deathmatch, and
Domination game types – reinforces
the sequel’s core shooter status.
Playing Skirmish on the game’s
Georgetown map – Georgetown is
Washington’s older district – is
intense and moreish. The map is
small but crammed with nooks to
hide inside, alleyways to scurry down

and everything
culminates in a
small crossroads
overlooked by two
rooftops. The
closeness of the combat,
where you’re often right on top
of a rival squad, lends Conflict a
distinct Call Of Duty: WWII feel.
In Skirmish mode each team has a
set number of respawns, and once a
team has used them all it’s game

over for that team.
It means you’re only
as good as your
weakest member, and
makes in-game revives
essential. Lone wolf players
will only be putting their squad, and
their shot at victory, at risk, if they
don’t help their fellow Division agents
on the battlefield.
As our game evolves we soon
learn to divide into pairs, one couple

taking to a rooftop to draw fire from
the enemy while two scuttle to
nearby doorways and snipe the
sitting ducks from below. It’s a tactic
that pays dividends.
Conflict mode has a separate
progression system for gear
unlocks, skill levelling, and class
upgrades, so dedicated players will
really reap the rewards. There’s an
effort on Massive’s part to ensure
this mode feels essential.

By Georgetown,
it’s good
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