Jesus Calling

(Frankie) #1

Peace. The messages that follow address that felt need. The Bible is,
of course, the only inerrant Word of God; my writings must be
consistent with that unchanging standard. I have written them from
Jesus’ point of view; i.e., the first person singular (I, Me, Mine) always
refers to Christ. “You” refers to you, the reader, so the perspective is
that of Jesus speaking to you.
I have included Scripture references after each daily reading. As I
listened to God, Bible verses or fragments of verses often came to
mind. I have interwoven these into my messages. Words from the
Scriptures (some paraphrased, some quoted) are indicated in italics.
Some of the references document verses used in this way. Other
references are less obvious; I included them to provide additional
depth for the reader. Certain Bible verses figure rather heavily in my
writing. That is because God often uses these passages to strengthen
and encourage me, raising my sights from my “light and momentary
troubles” (2 Corinthians 4:17) to His eternal perspective.

Themes of thankfulness and trust recurred often during my listening
times. These themes are quite prevalent in the Bible, and they are
essential if we are to enjoy Jesus’ Presence and Peace.

These messages are meant to be read slowly, preferably in a quiet
place. I invite you to keep a journal to record any thoughts or
impressions you receive as you wait in His Presence. Remember that
Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us. May He bless you with His Presence
and Peace in ever-increasing measure.

Sarah Young
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