Occult Principles of Health and Healing

(Greg DeLong) #1

ethereal purity of the bodies will obviate necessity for

While there is much definite information about that
age in the Bible, one point is shrouded in insoluble
mystery: “The day knoweth no man, not even the
Angels in Heaven, nor the Son.” Christians in all ages
since the Gospel was first preached have yearned for
that day when the Sons of Light shall be manifest. The
Father alone, being Highest Initiate among the Lords
of Mind, is able to foresee the time when the
separative, self-seeking mind will yield to the self-
negating, unifying spirit of love. One point is very
clear, however. It will be just as impossible for anyone
to live under the conditions of the New Heaven and the
New Earth who has not the properly constituted body,
called “Wedding Garment” in the Bible, as it was for
the degenerate Atlanteans who lacked lungs to breathe
when the atmospheric change came.

It is a scientific fact that the state of the blood
affects the mind and vice versa. A sound body is
therefore indispensable to sane mentality. Only a sane
mind can transcend passion; only a sound body can
generate another that is as pure. The Rosicrucianshave
aimed to heal the body that it may harbor a sane mind
and a pure love, for each conception under those
conditions is a step toward the day of the Lord for
which we all long so ardently. This is the reason for
the healing activities, and it is the meaning of our
motto, “A Sane Mind, a Soft Heart, a Sound Body.”

It has been written in various works that the
members of the Order took a vow to heal others free of
charge. This statement is somewhat garbled. The lay

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