Occult Principles of Health and Healing

(Greg DeLong) #1

This work never ceases. It is continuous, as the
Sun is always absent from a part of the globe and the
Probationers in that part are active in the work of
healing and helping during the hours of bodily rest.
Anatomically man belongs to the mammals, whose
blood corpuscles are not nucleated. The nuclei found
in the blood of lower animals are the vantage ground
of the Group Spirits, but the higher animals are so far
advanced upon the road to individualization that their
blood is free from this influence. In the fetus where the
mother acts as a Group Spirit for the first few weeks,
she nucleates the blood, but as soon as the Ego begins
work, the first thing it does is to disintegrate these
nucleated blood corpuscles, and at the time of the
quickening not a single such corpuscle remains. The
Ego is master of its vehicle, a heritage which no one
may take from it under any pretense whatever. To do
so is black magic, whether the person knows it or not,
and though the benevolent motive would of course
have a certain mitigating effect in another direction,
the fact nevertheless remains that one is upon
dangerous ground when attempting to meddle with the
blood of anyone who does not desire it and who has
not asked for such treatment.

There is only one exception to this rule. Children
until the age of puberty are, so to say, a part of their
parents, because there is stored in the thymus gland an
essence of the parental blood which the child uses in
manufacturing its own supply during the years of
childhood while the desire body is in the course of
gestation. As time goes on the supply in the thymus
gland becomes smaller and smaller and the child
attains more and more to a realization of its own
individuality. By the time the thymus gland has

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