Occult Principles of Health and Healing

(Greg DeLong) #1

each day by one person in the form of tea, coffee,
soup, etc., would in forty years form a block of solid
chalk or marble the size of a man. It is also a
significant fact that although phosphate of lime is
always found in the urine of adults, it is not found in
the urine of children, because in them the rapid
formation of bone requires that this salt be retained.
During the period of gestation there is very little earthy
matter in the urine of the mother, as it is used in the
building of the fetus. In ordinary circumstances,
however, earthy matter is very much in evidence in the
urine of adults and to this we owe the feat that physical
life reaches even its present length.

Undistilled water, when taken internally, is man’s
worst enemy, but used externally, it becomes his best
friend. It keeps the pores of the skin open, induces
circulation of the blood and prevents the stagnation
which affords the best opportunity for the depositing
of the earthy, death-dealing phosphate of lime.

Harvey, who discovered the circulation of the
blood, said that health denotes a free circulation and
disease is the result of an obstructed circulation of the

The bathtub is a great aid in keeping up the health
of the body and should be freely used by the aspirant
to the higher life. Perspiration, sensible and insensible,
carries more earthy matter out of the body than any
other agency.

As long as fuel is supplied and the fire kept free
from ashes, it will burn. The kidneys are important in
carrying away the ashes from the body, but despite the

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