Occult Principles of Health and Healing

(Greg DeLong) #1


Considering the body from a purely physical
standpoint, it is what we might call a chemical furnace,
the food being the fuel. The more the body is
exercised, the more fuel it requires. It would be foolish
for a man to change an ordinary diet which for years
had adequately nourished him, and take up a new
method without due thought as to which would be the
best for serving his purpose. To simply eliminate
meats from the ordinary diet of meat-eaters would
unquestionably undermine the health of most persons.
The only safe way is to experiment and study the
matter out first, using due discrimination. No fixed
rules can be given, the matter of diet being as
individual as any other characteristic. All that can be
done is to describe the general influence of each
chemical element, allowing the aspirant to work out
his own method.

Neither must we allow the appearance of a person
to influence our judgment as to the condition of his
health. Certain general ideas of how a healthy person
should look are commonly accepted, but there is no
valid reason for so judging. Ruddy cheeks might be an
indication of health in one individual and of disease in
another. There is no particular rule by which good
health can be known except the feeling of comfort and
well-being which is enjoyed by the individual himself,
irrespective of appearances.

Water is the great solvent. Nitrogen or protein is
the essential builder of flesh, but contains some earthy
matter. Carbohydrates or sugars are the principle
power-producers. Fats are the producers of heat and
the storers of reserve force.

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