Occult Principles of Health and Healing

(Greg DeLong) #1

was considerably less earthy matter in the body of the
kindly disposed man than in that of the scold.

This destruction is constantly going on and it is not
possible to keep all the destroyers out, nor is such the
intention. If the vital body had uninterrupted sway, it
would build and build, using all the energy for that
purpose. There would be no consciousness and
thought. It is because the desire body checks and
hardens the inner parts that consciousness develops.

There was a time in the far, far past when we set
out the concretions, as do the mollusks, leaving the
body soft, flexible, and boneless, but at that time we
had only the dull, glimmering consciousness the
mollusks have now. Before we could advance, it
became necessary to retain the concretions and it will
be found that the stage of consciousness of any species
is in proportion to the development of the bony
frameworkwithin. The Ego must have the solid bones
with the semi-fluid red marrow in order to be able to
build the red blood corpuscles for its expression. That
is the highest development of the dense body.

Reasons for a Vegetarian Diet

Most people feel that a meal without meat is
incomplete, for from time immemorial it has been
regarded as an axiom that meat is the most
strengthening food we have. All other foodstuffs have
been looked upon as mere accessories to the one or
more kinds of flesh on the menu. Nothing could be
more erroneous; science has proved by experiments
that invariably the nourishment obtained from
vegetables has a greater sustaining power, and the

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