Occult Principles of Health and Healing

(Greg DeLong) #1

be forced to eat meat, but that he and his companions
be given pulse. The children of Israel in the wilderness
are spoken of as “lusting after flesh”, and their God is
angry with them in consequence.

There is an esoteric meaning to the feeding of the
multitude where fish was used as food, but looking to
the purely material aspect we may sum up the points in
our answer by reiterating that we shall some time
outgrow flesh and fish eating as we have risen above
cannibalism. Whatever license may have been given in
the barbaric past will disappear in the altruistic future,
when more refined sensibilities shall have awakened
us to a fuller sense of the horrors involved in the
gratification of a carnivorous taste.

Necessity for an Attractive, Balanced Diet

In the most sublime of all prayers, we are taught
by the Christ to pray for our daily bread, but under
existing modern conditions, alas, how often do we get
a stone instead.

Because of our complex civilization, of cold
storage methods and other abominations, our food is
such that, generally speaking, instead of nourishing the
body as it should, it depletes us and makes us subject
to various diseases; “indigestible” is a very mild
arraignment of the food supply in most places where
the public eats.

Even in the home, that which is placed upon the
table to nourish and sustain and build the body in
health, is often only an apology for food,
masquerading under various seasonings and dressings

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