Occult Principles of Health and Healing

(Greg DeLong) #1


Astrological Basis for Healing

It is well known to the modern physician that the
condition of the blood, and therefore the condition of
the whole body, changes in sympathy with the state of
mind of the patient, and the more the physician uses
suggestion as an adjunct to medicine the more
successful he is. Few perhaps would credit the further
fact that both our mental and physical condition is
influenced by planetary rays which change as the
planets move. In these days since the principle of
radio-activity has been established we know that
everybody projects into space numberless little
particles. Wireless telegraphy has taught us that etheric
waves travel swiftly and surely through space and
operate a key according to our will. We also know that
the rays of the Sun affect us differently in the morning
when they strike us horizontally than at noon when
they are perpendicular. If the light rays from the swift-
moving Sun produce physical and mental changes,
may not the persistent rays of slower planets also have
an effect? If they have, they are factors in health not to
be overlooked by a thoroughly scientific healer, and
we therefore maintain that results may be obtained
more easily at certain times when the stellar rays are
propitious for the healing of a particular disease or for
treatment with remedies previously prepared under
auspicious conditions.

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