Occult Principles of Health and Healing

(Greg DeLong) #1


If physicians would study the science of astrology,
they would thus with a very slight effort be able to
diagnose their patient’s condition in a manner
altogether impossible from the ordinary
diagnostician’s point of view. Some physicians are
waking up to that fact and have discovered by their
experiences that the heavenly bodies do have an
influence upon the human frame. For instance, when
the writer was in Portland, Oregon, a physician
mentioned as his observation that whenever it was
possible for him to perform an operation while the
Moon was increasing in light, that is to say, going
from the new to the full, the operation was always
successful and no complications would set in. On the
other hand, he had found that when circumstances
compelled him to perform an operation when the
Moon was going from the full to the dark, there was
great danger of trouble, and that such operations were
never as satisfactory as those performed while the light
of the Moon was increasing.

The way to find out the peculiarities of the Spirit
that dwells in the patient’s body is to cast his
horoscope to see when the times are propitious for the
administration of drugs, giving the appropriateherbs at
the proper time. Paracelsus did that, and therefore he
was always successful with his patients; he never made
a mistake. There are some who use astrology for that
purpose today; the writer, for instance, has thus used it
in diagnosis in many cases. He has then always been
able to see the crises in the patient’s condition, the
past, present, and future; and thus has been able to
afford much relief to persons suffering from various
illnesses. It is to such uses that astrology should be
put, and not degraded into fortune telling for the sake

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