Occult Principles of Health and Healing

(Greg DeLong) #1


for a new sound which it can use to build more of the
organism which it desires in order to express itself.

Thus, seeing that the terrestrial organism which
each of us inhabits is molded along vibratory lines
produced by the song of the spheres, we may realize
that the inharmonies which express themselves as
disease are produced in the first place by the spiritual
inharmony within. It is further evident that if we obtain
accurate knowledge concerning the direct cause of the
inharmony and remedy it, the physical manifestation of
disease will shortly disappear. It is this information
which is given by the horoscope of birth, for there each
planet in its house and sign expresses harmony or
discord, health or disease. Therefore, all methods of
healing are adequate only in proportion as they take
into consideration the stellar harmonies and discords
expressed in the wheel of life—the horoscope.

While the laws of Nature that govern in the lower
realms are all-powerful under ordinary circumstances,
there are higher laws which pertain to the spiritual
realms and which may under certain circumstances be
made to supersede the former. For instance, the
forgiveness of sins upon recognition thereof and true
repentance is made to supersede the law which
demands an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
When Christ walked upon this Earth and healed the
sick, He, being the Lord of the Sun, embodied within
Himself the synthesis of the stellar vibrations as the
octave embodies all the tones of the scale, and He
could therefore emit from Himself the true corrective
planetary influence required in each case. He sensed
the inharmony and knew at once wherewith to offset it
by virtue of His exalted development. He had no need

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