Occult Principles of Health and Healing

(Greg DeLong) #1


thoroughly centered upon its own condition that only
complete rupture of the physical body can set it free.
This may be a process of long years, and in the
meantime the planetary inharmony which caused the
initial disease may have passed by, but the sufferer is
unable to take advantage of the improved conditions.
In such cases a spiritual outpouring of a special kind is
necessary to bring to the soul its message, “Thy sins
are forgiven.” When that has been heard, it may
respond to the command, “Take up thy bed and walk.”

None among our present humanity can measure
anywhere near the stature of the Christ, consequently
none can exercise His power in such extreme cases;
but the need of that power in active manifestation
exists today as much as it did two thousand years ago.
Spirit pervades everything in and upon our planet, but
in a varying measure. It has more affinity for some
substances than for others. Being an emanation from
the Christ Principle, it is the Universal Spirit
composing the World of Life Spirit that restores the
synthetic harmony of the body.

The Laws of Compatibility and Systemic Receptibility

There are two basic laws in the science of Astro-
therapy or healing by use of the stellar ray; one is the
Law of Compatibility, the other, the law of Systemic
Receptibility. By knowledge and intelligent
application of these laws the sick regain health much
more rapidly than otherwise and with minimum effort
on the part of the health adjuster.

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