Occult Principles of Health and Healing

(Greg DeLong) #1

healthy condition. From the Full Moon to the time of
the New Moon this great light force becomes darker
and darker and everything that has come to a focus
begins to fade and gradually dies.

Knowing that the Moon has these two influences
according to whether it is increasing or decreasing, we
find that in applying treatment notice must be taken of
them. All treatments, like drugs, may be divided into
two general classes: stimulants and sedatives. The first
class has a distinctly better effect and is more easily
applied during the increase of the Moon, and the other
is found much more effectual if used during the
Moon’s decrease.

The general rule is: From the time of the New
Moon to that of the Full Moon stimulants produce the
greatest effect and sedatives are weakest. Decrease the
dose of stimulants and increase that of sedatives. The
exception is: When the Moon increasing approaches a
conjunction to Saturn give larger doses of stimulants
and smaller doses of sedatives.

When the Moon is increasing and approaching a
conjunction to Mars and Mercury, stimulants have
their maximum and sedatives their minimum effect.

When the increasing Moon is in good aspect to
Jupiter and Venus cardiac stimulation produces the
most lasting results. Palpitation is most effectively
treated when the Moon is decreasing and aspects the
before-mentioned planets favorably. Apply heart
stimulants with extreme care when the Moon aspects
these planets unfavorably, especially when dark.
Anesthetics are also then most liable to produce fatal

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