Occult Principles of Health and Healing

(Greg DeLong) #1


nevertheless, the magic formula of the Savior applied
to health will help us to overcome in time.

It is a law that if we think health we must of
necessity sooner or later express health. We must live
the rational life and cease from excesses, particularly
in diet; that cannot be emphasized too often. Neither
will it avail to stand before a mirror and reiterate to
oneself, “I have Faith”, “I am Health”, or similar
untrue affirmations. Just stop talking of your ailments
to others; try above all to divert your own thoughts
from your condition; believe in health as our birthright
and as something that can be attained by us, never

You may have heard the story of the old lady who
had heard her minister speak about a faith that could
remove mountains. She was willing to try her faith on
the ash heap, but next morning when she saw it was
still there she exclaimed, “I thought so.” Conditions
were what she expected in her heart, not what she
claimed to believe with her tongue, and it will be the
same with everyone. Therefore, believe heartily in

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