Occult Principles of Health and Healing

(Greg DeLong) #1


baths daily and as their appetite is so slight and
delicate they believe that they know better than anyone
else how to look after that part of their requirements,
but they are wrong in both cases as shown in the
Their first step to health involves that they cease
bathing entirely. The dry bath is the proper restorative,
and for this purpose a pair of coarse gloves made of
linen tape loosely woven are best. With these the body
may be rubbed morning and evening until the skin
shows a healthy glow. By this process the superfluous
cuticle is removed but the oil and ether remain. Thus
the patient will build up very rapidly, for when the
chemical ether increases, the power of assimilation
also revives and there is an immediate gain of both
strength and flesh. If necessary the patient may be
given a very light warm sponge bath once a week, but
no tub baths should be attempted until he or she is
fully recovered.

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