Occult Principles of Health and Healing

(Greg DeLong) #1

then it is necessary to be careful, because when the
magnetism is thrown away from you it is attracted to
the Earth, because it is subject to gravity; and to the
spiritual vision it is a dark or rather a black jelly-like
fluid. It lies shimmering and shivering on the floor. If
now the patient gets up relieved from the couch where
treatment has been given and goes over the place
where this magnetism has been thrown away, then the
miasma will reenter the body and he or she will be in a
worse condition than before you started the treatment.
Therefore it is the best policy always to throw such
miasma out of the window, or better still, put it into a
fireplace and then set fire to it.

From the foregoing it is evident that this laying on
of hands is something that should not be done
indiscriminately by anyone who has not been trained in
one of the many properly equipped schools of
Osteopathy, Chiropractic, etc. Probationers who live
worthy lives are trained under the special guidance of
the Elder Brothers.

Vaccination and Antitoxin

Bacteriologists have discovered that many diseases
are caused by micro-organisms which invade our body,
and also that when this invading army begins to create
a disturbance the body commences to manufacture
germs of an opposing nature or a substance which will
poison the invaders. It is then a question of which are
the strongest, the invaders or the defenders. If the
defending microbes are more numerous than the
invaders or if the poison which is noxious to the

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