Occult Principles of Health and Healing

(Greg DeLong) #1


the early part of the Atlantean Epoch. This higher part
of the desire body became a sort of animal soul. It built
the cerebro-spinal nervous system and the voluntary
muscles, by that means controlling the lower part of
the threefold body until the link of mind was given.

Part of the involuntary muscular system is
controlled by the sympathetic nervous system.

The seat of the Human Spirit is primarily in the
pineal gland and secondarily in the brain and the
cerebro-spinal nervous system, which controls the
voluntary muscles.

The Blood

The study of the blood is very deep, far-reaching,
and of supreme importance from whatever viewpoint
we analyze it. Lucifer was decidedly right when he
said that “blood is a most peculiar essence.” It builds
the physical body from the time the seed atom is
deposited in the ovum till the rupture of the silver cord
ends material existence, being one of the highest
products of the vital body and the carrier of
nourishment to every part of the body. It is the direct
vehicle of the Ego, having injected into it every
thought, feeling or emotion transmitted to the lungs.

In infancy, and up to the fourteenth year, the red
marrow bones do not make all the blood corpuscles.
Most of them are supplied by the thymus gland, which
is largest in the fetus and gradually diminishes as the
individual blood-making faculty develops in the
growing child. The thymus gland contains, as it were,
a supply of blood corpuscles given by the parents, and
consequently the child, which draws its blood from

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