Occult Principles of Health and Healing

(Greg DeLong) #1


incarnations available. It sees the coming life in its
great and general events, much as a moving picture
passing before its vision. Then it is given the choice,
usually, of several lives. It sees at that time the lessons
it has to learn, the fate it has generated for itself in past
lives, and what part of that fate it will have to liquidate
in each of the embodiments offered. Then it makes its
choice and is guided by the agents of the Recording
Angels to the country and family where it is to live its
coming life.

The panoramic view is seen in the Third Heaven
where the Ego is naked and feels spiritually above
sordid material considerations. It is much wiser then
than it appears here on Earth, where it is blinded by the
flesh to an inconceivable extent. Later, when
conception has taken place and the Ego draws into the
womb of its mother, on about the 18th day after that
event, it comes in contact with the etheric mold of its
new physical body which has been made by the
Recording Angels to give the brain formation that will
impress upon the Ego the tendencies necessary to work
out its destiny.

There the Ego sees again the pictures of itscoming
life as the drowning man perceives the pictures of his
past life—in a flash. At that time the Ego is already
partially blind to its spiritual nature, so that if the
coming life seems to be a hard one, it will oftentimes
shrink from entering the womb and making the proper
brain connections. It may endeavor to draw itself out
quickly and then, instead of being concentric as the
vital and dense bodies should be, the vital body formed
of ether may be drawn partially above the head of the
dense body. In that case the connection between the

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