Occult Principles of Health and Healing

(Greg DeLong) #1


researchers that it is the effect of extreme cruelty in a
past life. Recent investigations have developed the
further information that much of the eye trouble now
prevalent among people is due to the fact thatour eyes
are changing; they are, in fact, becoming responsive to
a higher octave of vision than before, because the ether
surrounding the Earth is becoming more dense and the
air is growing more rare. This is particularly true in
certain parts of the world, Southern California among
others. It is noteworthy in this connection that the
Aurora Borealis is becoming more frequent and more
powerful in its effects upon the Earth. In the early
years of the Christian Era this phenomenon was almost
unknown, but in the course of time as the Christ wave,
which descends into the Earth during part of the year,
infuses more and more of its own life into the dead,
earthly lump, theEtheric Vital Rays become visible at
intervals. Later they became more and more numerous
and are now commencing to interfere with our electric
activities, particularly with telegraphy, which service
is sometimes completely demoralized by these
radiating streamers.

It is also noteworthy that the disturbances are
confined to wires going east and west. Rays or lines of
force from the plant Group Spirits radiate in all
directions from the center of the Earth towards the
periphery and then outwards, passing through the roots
of plants or trees, then upwards towards the top of

The currents of the animal Group Spirits, on the
other hand, encircle the Earth. The comparatively
weak and invisible currents generated by the Group
Spirits of the plants, and the very strong powerful rays
of force generated by the Christ Spirit now becoming

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