Lane, Bernard, ‘‘Miloszian Moments,’’ inQuadrant, Vol.
49, No. 9, September 2005, pp. 67–71.
Along with biographical information, this essay
explores Milosz’s fascination with the mysteries
and strangeness of life, which resulted in his
metaphysical approach to his work.
Mozejko, Edward, ed.,Between Anxiety and Hope: The
Poetry and Writing of Czeslaw Milosz, University of
Alberta Press, 1988.
This collection of essays explores the central
motifs and themes of Milosz’s poetry and
prose. The poet’s use of contrasting images of
futility and promise, evident in ‘‘In Music’’ and
other poems, is also discussed.
Stankiewicz, David, ‘‘When He Would Compose
from Fragments a World Perfect at Last: Theology
and Poetics in Czeslaw Milosz’sThe Rising of the
Sun,’’ inReligion & the Arts,Vol.9,No.3–4,2005,
pp. 284–312.
This essay looks at key elements of Milosz’s
craft, including the use of theological thought
and the philosophy of existence. It also offers
a detailed examination of Milosz’s Mani-
chaean outlook, which surfaced in many of
his poems, including ‘‘In Music.’’
Stephan, Halina, ed.Living in Translation: Polish Writers
in America, Rodopi, 2003.
This collection of essays examines the experien-
ces of thirteen Polish artists, including Milosz,
work presents the challenges the writers faced as
they adjusted to American culture, their roles as
cultural mediators, and the effects of western-
ization on them and their work.
In Music