Susan Andersen:Andersen has a Ph.D. in literature
and is a teacher and writer. Entry on ‘‘Son-
net LXXXIX.’’ Original essays on ‘‘Sonnet
LXXXIX,’’ ‘‘Of Modern Poetry,’’ and ‘‘Song.’’
Bryan Aubrey:Aubrey holds a Ph.D. in English
Entries on ‘‘Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage’’ and
‘‘Song.’’ Original essays on ‘‘Childe Harold’s
Pilgrimage’’ and ‘‘Song.’’
David Kelly:Kelly is a writer who teaches creative
writing and literature at Oakton Community
College and College of Lake County in Illinois
and has written for numerous scholarly pub-
lications. Entries on ‘‘Miniver Cheevy’’ and
‘‘Uncoiling.’’ Original essays on ‘‘Miniver
Cheevy,’’ ‘‘Uncoiling,’’ and ‘‘The Dead.’’
Sheri Karmiol:Karmiol teaches literature and
drama at the University of New Mexico,
where she is a lecturer in the University Hon-
ors Program. Entries on ‘‘Blackberry Eat-
ing,’’ ‘‘Seven Ages of Man,’’ and ‘‘Winter.’’
Original essays on ‘‘Blackberry Eating,’’
‘‘Seven Ages of Man,’’ and ‘‘Winter.’’
Lois Kerschen:Kerschen has a Ph.D. in English
and is an educator and freelance writer.
Entries on ‘‘Words and Diminution of All
Things’’ and ‘‘River of August.’’ Original
essays on ‘‘Words and Diminution of All
Things’’ and ‘‘River of August.’’
Melodie Monahan:Monahan holds a Ph.D. in
English and operates an editing service, The
Inkwell Works. Entries on ‘‘Acquainted with
the Night,’’ ‘‘I’m Nobody! Who Are You?,’’
and ‘‘Odysseus to Telemachus.’’ Original
essays on ‘‘Acquainted with the Night,’’
‘‘I’m Nobody! Who Are You?,’’ ‘‘Odysseus
to Telemachus,’’ and ‘‘River of August.’’
Wendy Perkins:Perkins is a professor of English
at Prince George’s Community College in
Maryland and has had several articles pub-
lished on American and British literature.
Entries on ‘‘In Music’’ and ‘‘Of Modern
Poetry.’’ Original essays on ‘‘In Music’’ and
‘‘Of Modern Poetry.’’
Claire Robinson: Robinson has an M.A. in
English. She is a freelance writer and editor
and a former teacher of English literature
and creative writing. Entry on ‘‘The Dead.’’
Original essay on ‘‘The Dead.’’