Poetry for Students, Volume 35

(Ben Green) #1

Like T. S. Eliot, Frost studied Latin and
Greek, and both poets drew upon their knowl-
edge of Dante. Eliot’s poem uses a quotation
from Dante’sInferno,the first part of theDivine
Comedy, and Frost uses terza rima, a rhyme
scheme attributed to Dante. In London, both
Eliot and Frost sought to establish themselves
in the world of letters, and in different ways each
succeeded. Frost, who had dropped out of

Harvard and not succeeded particularly in any
profession in the United States, published his
first two books of poems in England to positive
reviews, and he returned to the United States a
respected newcomer among other recognized
American poets. Eliot completed his bachelor’s
degree at Harvard and began his master’s pro-
gram there with great success, but with the
advent of World War I and his decision to


 1920s:‘‘Acquainted with the Night’’ is com-
posed during a period of steady economic
growth and increased consumerism, years
that come to be known as the Roaring
Twenties and which are characterized by
the fast-paced lifestyle of suddenly wealthy
urbanites. The car replaces the train, and
suburbs develop along the outer edges of
cities. Widespread use of the radio and
ever-expanding telephone service reduce
the previous isolation felt by rural people
and increase their ability to receive news
and entertainment regularly in the home.
Today:In the wake of a global economic
downturn, the failure of major banks, and
numerous bankruptcies among major busi-
nesses that cause a sharp increase in unem-
ployment, many people in the United States
face reduced or lost income and possible
home foreclosure. Personal debt is seen as
a liability and credit card use declines. Many
people discontinue their landline telephone
service and use only their cell phones.
 1920s:The Federal Reserve System, created
by Congress in 1913, first tests its power to
regulate banking institutions, control the flow
of money in the market, and reduce the possi-
bility of bank panics, among other functions.
Today:Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Fed-
eral Reserve System, testifies at congres-
sional hearings regarding ongoing bank
failures due to the nationwide credit crunch

and weakening real estate market. The Fed-
eral Reserve System is criticized by many for
its perceived failure to regulate banking
institutions and keep them safe.
1920s:A mild recession occurs in 1927 con-
nected in part with Henry Ford’s decision to
close all his factories for six months and
change from producing the Model T to the
new Model A automobile. This year Ford
still accounts for 40 percent of all new cars
sold in the United States.
Today:After necessary restructuring in order
to cope with a sharp drop in profits, Ford
announces in 2005 that 30,000 hourly jobs
will be cut and at least ten plants will be closed
in the United States over the coming five years.
1920s:As Europe recovers from World War
I and farm production increases, U.S. farm-
ers face increasing debt and a steady increase
in farm foreclosures during the decade. By
1927, there are 18 farm foreclosures per
thousand farms in the United States.
Today:During the economic downturn, Mid-
west farming states remain economically sta-
ble in part because of alternative energy
production, good farm income, and relatively
lesser effect of the weakening housing market
on the area. Moreover, many farmers espouse
conservative money practices and do not
face the credit card debt that burdens many

Acquainted with the Night

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