Calls through the valleys of Hall.
(Song of the Chattahoochee)
chickens (The Red Wheelbarrow)
clear water dashes (Onomatopoeia)
Columbia.(Kindness) V24:84–85
come to life and burn? (Bidwell
Ghost) V14:2
Comin’ for to carry me home (Swing
Low Sweet Chariot) V1:284
cool as from underground springs
and pure enough to drink. (The
Man-Moth) V27:135
crossed the water. (All It Takes)
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
(The Tyger) V2:263
‘‘Dead,’’ was all he answered (The
Death of the Hired Man) V4:44
deep in the deepest one, tributaries
burn. (For Jennifer, 6, on the
Teton) V17:86
Delicate, delicate, delicate,
delicate—now! (The Base
Stealer) V12:30
Die soon (We Real Cool) V6:242
Do what you are going to do, I will
tell about it. (I go Back to May
1937) V17:113
down from the sky (Russian Letter)
Down in the flood of remembrance, I
weep like a child for the past
(Piano) V6:145
Downward to darkness, on extended
wings. (Sunday Morning)
drinking all night in the kitchen. (The
Dead) V35:69
Driving around, I will waste more
time. (Driving to Town Late to
Mail a Letter) V17:63
dry wells that fill so easily now (The
Exhibit) V9:107
dust rises in many myriads of grains.
(Not like a Cypress) V24:135
dusty as miners, into the restored
volumes. (Bonnard’s Garden)
endless worlds is the great meeting of
children. (60) V18:3
Enjoy such liberty. (To Althea, From
Prison) V34:255
Eternal, unchanging creator of earth.
Amen (The Seafarer) V8:178
Eternity of your arms around my
neck. (Death Sentences) V22:23
even as it vanishes—were not our
life. (The Litany) V24:101–102
ever finds anything more of
immortality. (Jade Flower
Palace) V32:145
every branch traced with the ghost
writing of snow. (The Afterlife)
fall upon us, the dwellers in shadow
(In the Land of Shinar) V7:84
Fallen cold and dead (O Captain!
My Captain!) V2:147
False, ere I come, to two, or three.
(Song) V35:237
filled, never. (The Greatest
Grandeur) V18:119
Firewood, iron-ware, and cheap tin
trays (Cargoes) V5:44
Fled is that music:—Do I wake or
sleep? (Ode to a Nightingale)
For I’m sick at the heart, and I fain
wad lie down.’’ (Lord Randal)
For nothing now can ever come to
any good. (Funeral Blues)
For the coming winter (Winter)
For the love of God they buried his
cold corpse. (The Bronze
Horseman) V28:31
For the world’s more full of weeping
than he can understand. (The
Stolen Child) V34:217
forget me as fast as you can. (Last
Request) V14:231
from one kiss (A Rebirth)
garish for a while and burned. (One
of the Smallest) V26:142
going where? Where? (Childhood)
Had anything been wrong, we should
certainly have heard (The
Unknown Citizen) V3:303
Had somewhere to get to and sailed
calmly on (Mus,e des Beaux
Arts) V1:148
half eaten by the moon. (Dear
Reader) V10:85
hand over hungry hand. (Climbing)
Happen on a red tongue (Small
Town with One Road) V7:207
hard as mine with another man? (An
Attempt at Jealousy) V29:24
Has no more need of, and I have
(The Courage that My Mother
Had) V3:80
Has set me softly down beside you.
The Poem is you (Paradoxes
and Oxymorons) V11:162
Hath melted like snow in the glance
of the Lord! (The Destruction
of Sennacherib) V1:39
He rose the morrow morn (The Rime
of the Ancient Mariner) V4:132
He says again, ‘‘Good fences make
good neighbors.’’ (Mending
Wall) V5:232
He writes down something that he
crosses out. (The Boy) V19:14
here; passion will save you. (Air for
Mercury) V20:2–3
History theirs whose languages is the
sun. (An Elementary School
Classroom in a Slum)
How at my sheet goes the same
crooked worm (The Force That
Through the Green Fuse Drives
the Flower) V8:101
How can I turn from Africa and live?
(A Far Cry from Africa) V6:61
How sad then is even the marvelous!
(An Africian Elegy) V13:4
I am a true Russian! (Babii Yar)
I am black. (The Song of the Smoke)
I am going to keep things like this
(Hawk Roosting) V4:55
I am not brave at all (Strong Men,
Riding Horses) V4:209
I could not see to see— (I Heard a
Fly Buzz—When I Died—)
I cremated Sam McGee(The
Cremation of Sam McGee)
I didn’t want to put them down.
(And What If I Spoke of
Despair) V19:2
I have been one acquainted with the
night. (Acquainted with the
Night) V35:3
Cumulative Index of Last Lines
Cumulative Index of Last Lines