Vegan Indian Cooking: 140 Simple and Healthy Vegan Recipes

(Axel Boer) #1

careful not to get them too wet. Once
they’ve sprouted, transfer the sprouts in
an air-tight glass container and
refrigerate them for up to a week.

Note: An important tip for green lentils
is to sift through them after they are
soaked and sprouted. There will often be
a few hard ones left behind that won’t
soften. Remove these before proceeding
with the recipe that follows. You can try
this process with just about any whole
lentil or bean, including brown lentils
(masoor), black lentils (urad),
chickpeas, black chickpeas (kala
chana), and fenugreek seeds. Avoid
kidney beans, as they release toxins
when they sprout and should not be eaten

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