Vegan Indian Cooking: 140 Simple and Healthy Vegan Recipes

(Axel Boer) #1

Street Corn Salad (Bhutta)

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I’ll never forget the day I created a
slice of my favorite part of Delhi visits
in my mother’s kitchen in King of
Prussia, Pennsylvania. I’m not sure
what led me to try, but I took a few ears
of corn, put a little metal rack over an
electrical burner on my mom’s
stovetop, and laid 2 ears of corn on it. I
turned the burner on high and waited
to see what would happen. After
roasting the cobs to a beautiful shade
of dark brown–black, I compiled spices
in a little bowl, sliced lemons, and took
the tray up to my parents’ bedroom.
They were in heaven. Today, I like to

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