Vegan Indian Cooking: 140 Simple and Healthy Vegan Recipes

(Axel Boer) #1

  1. Cook on high for 6 hours.

  2. In a sauté pan, heat the oil over
    medium-high heat. Add the remaining 1
    teaspoon cumin and cook until the seeds
    sizzle. Drizzle this over the lentil dish
    and mix it in. Remove the whole spices.
    Serve topped with chopped fresh
    cilantro, onions, and green chiles, along
    with brown or white basmati rice, roti,
    or naan.

Try This! Feel free to substitute any
lentils for those listed. If you only have a
few varieties, just increase the amount
you use so that the total amount is the
same. As long as the recipe balances the
quantity of lentils to the amount of water
you use, it will turn out great.

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