Vegan Indian Cooking: 140 Simple and Healthy Vegan Recipes

(Axel Boer) #1

whatever you want. Dinner. Play. You
name it.”
My then-six-year-old, Aria, looked
me straight in the eye and dejectedly
said, “Yeah. But then you’ll just write
another book, and then another one, and
then another one after that!”
My nine-year-old, Neha, ever
practical, looked at her and exclaimed,
“What’s wrong with that? At least we’ll
be in it!”
This book is dedicated to my amazing
and talented girls who gave up play
dates, perfect spelling tests, and time
with their mom for this book. Writing a
cookbook is not about the fuss while
promoting it; it’s about the hours upon
hours upon hours writing in solitude and

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