Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
worshipped with flowers, paddy, millet,
and honey. Goats are sacrificed in his
honour. He became äryanized as
Subrahmaæia. (See alsoKÄRTTIKEYA.)

The earliest form of Hindu music is the
chanting of the Vedic HYMNS: Vedic
recitation would have been fruitless if
not done according to the tunes
(sämans) provided. The pitch is noted in
modern editions of the Øgveda and has
to be follwed by every reciter. Musical
instruments are in evidence on ancient
sculptures and were associated with
particular deities: the vïna with
Sarasvatï, the drum with Ÿiva, the flute
with Kø•æa, and so on. Music making

was done not only for the entertainment
of gods and humans but was also con-
sidered a religious exercise (sädhana).
The professional study of music under a
master followed a prescribed routine. It
consisted mostly of mastering the RÄGAS
and learning to develop these. There
was no musical notation and all training
was aural. Classical Indian music
recitals have the atmosphere of wor-
ship, often made explicit by prayers at
the beginning of the performance and
the character of the music played.

Muyälahan (‘the man of sin’)
A dwarfish figure crushed by Ÿiva in his
dance, symbolizing everything wicked
and evil.

music 122

Encyclo - Letter M 10/2/03 9:50 am Page 122

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