Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
Oldenberg, Hermann
One of the pioneers of Indology whose
works proved to have wide appeal and
lasting value. He initially focused on
Buddhism, translating many texts for
the Pali Text Society and the Sacred
Books of the East, and was the author
of the classic Buddha: Sein Leben, seine
Lehre, seine Gemeinde(1881). His con-
tributions to the study of Hinduism are
equally substantial. His work on Vedic
religion, originally published in 1894,
was translated more than a century later
into English: The Religion of the Veda
(1988). His translations of Vedic hymns
and of some Gøhya Sütras are part of
the Sacred Books of the East series. His
studies of the Mahäbhärata were pub-
lished posthumously (1922).


Otto, Rudolf (1869–1937)
While best known for his Das Heilige
(The Holy), an attempt to articulate a
general theory of religion, he also has
done considerable work on Hinduism,
especially on VAIÆŒAVISM. He published
an anthology of Vai•æava texts (Vischnu
Narayana: Texte zur indischen Gottes-
mystik), a comparative study of Ÿaö-
kara and Meister Eckhart (in English:

Mysticism East and West), and a broad-
based comparison of Vai•æavism and
Christianity (Die Gnadenreligion
Indiens und das Christentum). He also
founded a museum for the history of
religions at Marburg University and
helped to draw the attention of
European students to the theistic tradi-
tions of Hinduism.

Pañcama, or ‘fifth (varæa)’, is a designa-
tion of a large number of inhabitants of
India who do not belong to one of the
four VARŒAS. While many so-called out-
castes never belonged to Hindu CASTE
society, a large number were former
caste members who as punishment for


Rudolf Otto (1869–1937).

Encyclo - Letter O 10/2/03 9:54 am Page 130

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