Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism

(Michael S) #1
A Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism 230

Diehl, C.G. Instrument and Purpose: Studies on Rites and Rituals in South
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Farqhar, J.N. Modern Religious Movements in India. Oxford, Oxford
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Fergusson, J. Tree and Serpent Worship. London, W.H. Allen, 1868
Fuller, C.J. Servants of the Goddess: The Priests of a South Indian Temple.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1984
Gatwood, L.E. Devi and the Spouse Goddess: Women, Sexuality and Marriage
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Getty, A. Ganesa. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1936
Ghurye, G.S. Indian Sadhus.Bombay, Popular Prakashan, 1964 (2nd edn)
Gonda, J. Aspects of Early Visnuism. Utrecht, 1954; repr. Delhi, Motilal
Banarsidass, 1965
Hardy, E.T. Viraha BhaktiDelhi, Oxford University Press, 1983
Hawley, J.S. and Wulff, D.M. (eds.) The Divine Consort: Radha and the
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Ions, V. Indian Mythology.London, Paul Haymlyn, 1967
Kakati, B.K. The Mother Goddess Kamakhya.Gauhati, Lawyers’ Book Stall,
Keith, A.B. The Religion and Philosophy of the Veda and Upanisads.
Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1925
Kennedy, M.T. The Chaitanya Movement.Calcutta, Association Press, 1925
Kinsley, D. Hindu Goddesses.Berkeley, University of California Press, 1986
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Klostermaier, K. Mythologies and Philosophies of Salvation in the Theistic
Traditions of India.Waterloo, Ont., Wilfred Laurier University Press, 1984
Kramrisch, S. The Presence of Siva.Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1981
Lorenzen, D.N. The Kapalikas and Kalamukhas: Two Lost Saivite Sects.
Berkeley, University of California Press, 1972
Macdonell, A.A. Vedic Mythology. Benares, Indological Bookhouse, 1963 (repr.)
Macnicol, N. Indian Theism.London, Oxford University Press, 1915
Mahadevan, T.M.P. Outline of Hinduism. Bombay, Cetana, 1960 (2nd edn)
Mookerjee, A. and Khanna, M. The Tantric Way: Art – Science – Ritual.
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Nandimath, S.C. Handbook of Virasivism. Dharwar, L.E. Association, 1941
Pandey, R.B. Hindu Samskaras: Socio-religious Study of the Hindu Sacraments.
Benares, Vikrama Publications, 1949
Pandeya, L.P. Sun Worship in Ancient India.Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 1972
Paranjoti, Saiva Siddhanta. London, Luzac, 1954 (2nd edn)
Parekh, M.C. The Brahmo Samaj. Calcutta, Brahmo Samaj, 1922
Payne, A.A. The Saktas. Calcutta, YMCA Publishing House, 1933
Pillai, G.S. Introduction and History of Saiva Siddhanta. Annamalai,
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Rai, L. The Arya Samaj.London, Longman, 1915

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